South Australia Club

The Bolwell Car Club of South Australia was founded in 1972.The very first meeting was held at the premises of the then South Australian distributor of Bolwell sports cars. A committee was elected from those present, to form a not for profit organisation (club) that adhered to the promotion, maintenance and preservation of the Bolwell brand.

Later that same year, a group of members contacted the Victorian Bolwell Car Club to see if any of their members were interested in a get-together for social and competitive activities. That initial meet-up was the catalyst for what was to become the annual Bolwell Car Club of Australia National Meeting.
This is usually held at Easter each year. Here are details of the 2022 national meeting and other ‘national’ items/photos.
BCCA (SA) meets once a month, and holds an Annual General Meeting, usually in July. The monthly meetings are where members can:
– hear of past and future events,
– the club’s financial position, as well as
– help the club in making present and future decisions, and much more.
We can help members also with:
– how to obtain historic registration for their vehicle(s), providing it/they meet the required standards
– provide invaluable information of technical and mechanical data in getting their vehicles on the road.
– help with restoration of body damage to most Bolwell models.
Checkout the club’s future events calendar and meetings on the Bolwell Car Club of South Australia’s Facebook page.
The club has an affiliation with the Marque Sports Car Association of South Australia.
An SA member manages a blog called ‘Bolly Blog’ with unusual information and photos of all things motorised.
Members of the club have setup a Facebook page for others to post their Bolwell restoration story (either current or past), and is considered a national page. It is a ‘closed ‘or ‘private’ page, and everybody must request to become a member of it, to either view or post.

BCCA (SA) club contact details:
Postal address:
The Secretary
Bolwell Car Club (SA)
PO Box 2226 Kent Town
South Australia 5071
Email address: